Translation Becomes Eclectic, Volume 1
A New Journal of Translation and Intercomprehension Studies
The Clorinda Donato Center for Global Romance Languages and Translation Studies is pleased to announce the publication of the first volume of Translation Becomes Eclectic, a new journal of Translation and Intercomprehension Studies at California State University, Long Beach. This first volume showcases the work of twenty student translators from the graduate seminar RGR 603, Theory and Practice of Literary Translation. As evidenced by the eclectic list of titles below, the students in RGR 603 worked in a variety of languages, translating pieces of fiction and non-fiction from around the world. While supplies last, please stop by AS-306 for a complimentary copy of volume 1. We hope you enjoy reading these stories as much as we have!
- Introduction
By Clorinda Donato - L鈥檈reditiera veneziana / The Venetian Heiress
Translated by Kiawna Brewster - Le trou dans le mur : fabliaux cadiens / The Hole in the Wall: Acadian Fables
Translated by Kelly Buffington - Karate Chop
Translated by Raffaella Creal - Anonyme Nue / Anonima Nuda
Translated by Arash Ashley Davarian - Y el coraz贸n caliente / And the Passionate Heart
Translated by Christopher Esposito - La ville mystique / The Mystical City and Amour filial / Filial Love
Translated by Terri Fleming-Dright - Jaabouq (le joint) / Jaabouq (the joint)
Translated by Alan Gomez Larriva - El asalto en la otra cuadra / The Assault on the Next Block
Translated by John Labiento - La Vita Nuova
Translated by Daniela Pino - Arabella Leaves / Arabella Geht Fort
Translated by Julia Reiter - Leonarda Cianciulli, La Saponificatrice: Nuove indagini e rivelazioni sul mostro di Correggio / Leonarda Cianciulli, The Deadly Soap Maker: New Investigations and Disclosures about Correggio鈥檚 Monster
Translated by Francesca Ricciardelli and Homa Mayani - Delle amazzoni / About the Amazons
Translated by Manuel Romero - On the Highway Near Fairfield, Connecticut / Lungo l鈥檃utostrada vicino a Fairfield, Connecticut
Translated by Lucia Rovetta - Una fioraia / A Flower Girl
Translated by Alessandro Russo - 脌 propos des vaches / About Cows
Translated by Joanna Tatro - Il just in time e la macchina selvaggia / El just in time y la m谩quina salvaje
Translated by Yubeli Urrea - L鈥橢ncyclop茅die du petit cercle / The Encyclopedia of the Little Circle
Translated by Amber Vann - Ch猫re voisine / Querida vecina
Translated by Norma Villalobos - Vita da supplente / Life as a Substitute Teacher
Translated by Vanessa Villarreal